This site is free
... because it is a matter of my heart that as many people as can be think about possible sensible, sustainable alternatives that benefit primarily themselves, but also have a positive side effect of the environment, the health care system, and much more.
When I received the second diagnosis of having a recurrence in the fourth stage, I was reluctant to go through the planned double dosage therapy.
I had little time to research all of this information, to create a daily plan, to put this plan into motion, and probably could not have done any of it without th help of a friend of mine. From the moment of the diagnosis, time and money were the limited factors since, according to the diagnosis, things can accelerate rather quickly.
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Help me to make my story better known. Help so that as many people as possible can get to know this path and give it a fair chance. Show others that health and disease can be viewed from a different perspective that benefits not only mankind but also the environment, the health care system, and much more.
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