Vegetables, as well as animals and humans, are made up of cells where metabolic processes take place. The cell is a living organism. If a fever rises above 42.3 degrees Celsius in a human being, it dies because the proteins coagulate irreparable damage in the brain will occur.

Vegetables can also be "boiled" when heated above 40 degrees. (Here, the raw food experts may disagree whether the maximum temperature is 40, 41 or 42 degrees.) Since I like to be sure that I feed raw food to my body, the lowest limit of cooking is "my" raw food limit.

Within the framework of the alternative path I take, a core element was the addition of sugars and the basic levels of my PH-values, plus the intake of food with healthy chlorophyll-containing cells (see "Why Bio?").

In the context of oxygen photosynthesis - one of the most important biochemical processes on earth without which we would not be able to survive - the water required for photosynthesis is transported from the plant via the xylem into the cells. The green dye chlorophyll provides the absorption of sunlight to provide the mandatory energy for the process. Carbon dioxide and water are then converted into oxygen and glucose, the plant's closing cells open and release the oxygen to the environment. The glucose remains in the cell and is converted into starch by the plant.

What happens in plants? When vegetables are picked or harvested, the supply of water and nutrients ends. Nevertheless, regular metabolism is maintained in the cells, albeit more slowly. Unless the vegetables are exposed to high temperatures, the cell membrane which regulates the water and substance content of the cell, remains intact. As a result, the cell separates further between "inner" and "outer", the selective transport of substances from and into the cell continues to function and is driven by osmosis via concentration differences.

And the uptake of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen (photosynthesis) remain for some time.

This is observable when, for example, you put a piece of cut lemongrass from the supermarket in water. After a few days new roots grow and the plant lives on.

It is possible to influence the "further life" of vegetables by keeping them cool as long as the cell membranes are undamaged. This slows down the metabolism that is still active, and the vitamins and nutrients stored in the cells - which are important for us - are retained. The rate of metabolism determines how fast the vegetables soften.

If you end up cooking the plant, you may have a few vitamins left, but you will destroy these important and living structures which help our body to form strong and healthy cells.